That's something that disappointed me about the Prime TV as well. Only some - half maybe? - of the shows are included in the annual fee, the rest you have to pay for at $1.99 per episode which I won't do since you can find a lot of those for free on other streaming channels. Same with movies, some are included in the subscription fee but others are anywhere from .99 to $4.99 to "rent" for 48 hours or so - the price does go down over time.

It pays to shop around for the shows or movies you want to watch. If Amazon doesn't have it for free then Netflix or maybe HBO does. Speaking of, I got my HBO subscription through Prime for a good bit less than I would have paid for it straight from HBO and that gives you all of the HBO series and movies.

But the free shipping from Amazon really is worth a good part of the annual fee if someone orders a lot of things online. A friend of mine figures he and his wife do 80-90% of their purchases through Amazon these days.

Gunnery, gunnery, gunnery.
Hit the target, all else is twaddle!