An excerpt from Trump's book "Think Like a Champion", from an essay therein titled "It's Not Personal, It's Business":

"I have to be careful not to blow people away, because if you cross me personally and professionally, I'll have a double whammy waiting for you. I don't enjoy being vicious, but sometimes in self-defense it becomes necessary. I don't like the double standard, as in, whatever I do is okay and whatever you do isn't okay, or vice versa. If you treat me a certain way, then I can treat you that way, too. Some people call that the old "an eye for an eye" approach, but I call it playing fair. Sometimes the only way to deal with a bully is to punch him back. Let them know who they're dealing with. Fair play is fair play - and once again, don't take it personally."

I wouldn't anticipate him out to take personal revenge against people like Nixon would have done, that just wastes time and energy better put toward more constructive purposes. But as folks here have said, "actions have consequences". Now those who fought against him or refused to even consider him a viable candidate are reaping what they have sown.

Gunnery, gunnery, gunnery.
Hit the target, all else is twaddle!