With only 3/4lb on the 1st stage, what's the point of the TriggerTech 2 stage?

I just installed a Geissele HSNM and it's nice, but certainly not light years nicer than my RRs. It's adjustable, it's locktime is faster, but other than that, it's a wash. I like the RR longer 1st stage. Trigger bow placement is irrelevant to me. I like the Geissele's overtravel and 2nd stage adjustment. We'll see how it washes out. But I still maintain that if you can't win the Nationals with a RR, you can't win with any trigger.

I shot a Standing match with the Geissele. Shot a 193 with a 99 in the second string of 10. Same as I do with the RR.

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