Originally Posted by kingston
I haven't kept up with this thread, but did anyone see The NY Times OP/ED piece claiming that President Trump's executive order violates the The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965?


Media spin. All the 1965 act did was eliminate the national origins quota, it did not restrict the President (by executive order) or Congress from banning immigrants from any country.

The President is granted broad powers in immigration matters. In 2015, the Supreme Court held that a president, and/or those to whom he delegates the authority, are permitted to deny someone a visa on national security grounds without a specific reason.

The Supreme Court has repeatedly turned away challenges to immigration statutes and executive actions on grounds that they discriminate on the basis of race, national origin, and political belief, and that they deprive foreign nationals of due process protections. I believe the correct term used is the plenary powers doctrine, the courts defer to congress in immigration matters.