Well its not a bad price considering how much of it they actually make a year! The costs are the same as say a 458 winchester! If you are only making 10000 rounds of 470 NE vis 5 million 458's economics of scale come in! The whole reason that the 458 was introduced was for economic reasons, a less costly cartridge to shoot that performed about the same as the 470! A 200 dollar at the time M-70 vs 10K for a Holland and Holland Double! Winchester sold a boat load of 458's while at the same time Holland and Holland were lucky if they made 25 guns! When you drop 50K to go hunt elephant, paying 6 bucks for the cartridge along with what a decent double costs these days don't seem all that out of line! Then again I have no real interest to hunt in Africa anymore period! I would rather take the cash, spend it hunting Black tails on Kodiak, and going down to NZ for trout fishing!

"Any idiot can face a crisis,it's the day-to-day living that wears you out."

Anton Chekhov