I rented a 130 yr old house in college with a bunch of guys. One of the guys kept a snake which promptly escaped. Boa constrictor iirc. We found it alive in a stud wall two years later...it was well fed.

Our problem here is damn chipmunks. I've declared an all out war...ROE have been suspended. They undermined my 7 step, 8' wide cement porch. Damn thing fell 2". Needed the cement company to inject cement hydraulically underneath to jack it up. $1200 pissed away on the little bastards. They chewed my garage door seal as well. Replaced it and put on some cayenne pepper impregnated silicone. Found a bunch of dog food stashed in my dress shoes. We don't have a dog. Spent an afternoon with a couple cans of spray foam and steel wool filling every hole I could find on the exterior and basement. So far, so good..fingers crossed. I will escalate hostilities without compunction.

"A Republic, if you can keep it." ~ B. Franklin