George; bless his heart realized a potential criminal was possibly casing the neighborhood. I don't care to hear any BS about profiling. Profiling is absolutely necessary in law enforcement. Young men, a lot of them non-white commit the most property crimes and violence and therefore get the most attention. I was a Louisiana Game Warden for 30 years. We profiled, just so happens in our business young white men with greasy hair, tattoos, and raggedy boats got our attention. Grandpa and Grandma fishing with cane poles got very little notice from us. Trayvon was feeling disrespected and decided to play the knockout game. He failed to knock out George, and to his embarrassment found out that nerd was packing heat. The deal in Ferguson MO was also a failed knockout attempt. Same result. Folks need to realize that a a man packing a gun cannot allow himself to be overpowered.
As to George's subsequent behavior, I firmly believe he suffers from a form of PTSD. Killing a person would cause a lot of soul searching and second guessing I would think. Glad I made my career w/o killing anybody.

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."