Bubba and Earl were hunting deer one afternoon and Bubba shot a monster buck. After dressing it, they started dragging it back to camp, which was about 3 miles away. They had only gone a couple of hundred yards when Early suddenly grasped his chest, did a couple of pirouettes and fell over dead.

Several hours later, Bubba finally arrived in camp with his deer, soaked with sweat and totally exhausted.

As everyone in camp was admiring the tremendous buck and congratulating Bubba someone finally asked, "Where's Earl?"

"He dropped dead about 3 miles up the trail.", Bubba replied. "Heart attack, I think."

"What". You left Earl out there and dragged the deer back instead?"

"Well, yeah". Bubba replied, mopping the sweat from his brow. "I didn't think anyone would steal Earl."

What man, on his death bed, ever lamented, "God, I wish I had spent more time at the office."