Originally Posted by rost495

Interesting on the multiple signs.... I may have to snap a few pictures and then ask the trapper about rules and regs... actually not, that might get us kicked off... weird situation....

I"ve not seen a dead dog in a snare, but I"ve seen live ones for sure, seems when it snugs they stop around here and just wait.

Yep, landowner doesn't want yotes around killing his goats. Goats suck for deer hunting as you know. But we don't have them every year. Just depends on rotation, browse vs rain etc....

I've really no choice at this time, well you know what I mean.. way to close of a drive, we are growing good deer, and its still somewhat affordable. When/if we get off the place, I'll likely not have a deer lease anymore.

M44s do a good job and generally target the right animals, but I've seen enough of the other stuff killed to wonder. Not that its a big deal to loose a coon or a fox, but they aren't a specific killer.

Now that you mention it, I"ve never seen a cat killed by one either. And when we had a lion on the place last year he set up snares to catch the lion and never did.

If he would be smarter about the snare locations we wouldn't loose so many deer either but he and the landowner dont care. Landowner is an attorney and has flat told us since his dad died and so on... this is what you get, take it or leave it... sucks eh... LOL

Only time I"ve turned our child Tiger loose is when he jumped a wounded 10 point, so he could bay him, ended up running him into a pond, and then came back when I called him off so we could shoot the deer again. We trail on a 25 foot lead. He did yank it out of my hand once, but that wasn't there, at least I have GPS on him from that day on...

You named your kid "Tiger"? That's badass!