I suppose a definition of Exotic is different for different people. If we base this on price then Bighorn sheep win by quite a large margin followed by goats and elk. Hound hunting lions where legal is on the cheap side of the Guided hunt experience. Probably 2000 bucks or so I would guess.

I think in the lower 48 Lions are the only true and consistant threat to human beings so if that is what Exotic is to somebody then sure Lions would be.

In Texas there are an awful lot of "Exotics" to hunt from mutant inbred farm livestock with fancy names to African game. I like hunting lions because they offer me the level of dificulty with a realistic expectation of success. I might consider Alligators more of an exotic big game hunt because I don't have them here!

Are you living your life, or just paying bills until you die?
When you hit the pearly gates I want to be there just to see the massive pile of dead 5hit at your feet. ( John Peyton)