Originally Posted by simonkenton7
When I was in high school in 1967, I remember my History teacher talking about Malthus, and the Malthusian Theory.
This guy lived 200 years ago.

He said that human population would increase, and increase, until it reached the breaking point. At that time, there would be a massive kill off, due to either war, or plague, or starvation. Millions, or billions, would die.

Now my high school teacher laughed off Malthus, saying that we had modern medicine, and we had massive agriculture that this poor dumb bastard could not dream of 200 years ago.

But no, I think Malthus was right. We are going to hit the breaking point and there will be a massive die off.

That is why, I am not only opposed to illegal immigration to our country, I am opposed to ALL immigration. We have enough people right now.
Also I am in favor of abortion. If a woman does not want a baby and does not want to care for it, she should have an abortion. We have enough people right now.

It is easy to say, right now, that we have plenty of room in America and we welcome all comers. We could not get overpopulated. But we could, and if we keep up what we now are doing, we will overpopulate. And then, we will break.

Malthus was wrong about one thing. He assumed a liner growth rate for technology, and a logarithmic growth in population. But about the time he made his prediction, the world changed to one with a logarithmic growth rate for technology, and in the developed world, a liner growth rate for population. Under this formula his crash will not happen.

You didn't use logic or reason to get into this opinion, I cannot use logic or reason to get you out of it.

You cannot over estimate the unimportance of nearly everything. John Maxwell