Originally Posted by KFWA
Originally Posted by Jim_Conrad
Worrying about earth's population is about as useful as worrying about Yellowstone blowing up.

If the folks who are so concerned about the population would throw themselves off a bridge, we would be closer to solving the problem.

What arrogance. If you are not willing to make changes in how you consume resources or are not willing to be the first in line for the necessary execution then you dont really want to make a difference.

The difference I want to make is that my country is capable of sustaining itself when others cannot. I don't want to rely on Mexico for vegetables and Brazil for beef.

there's lot's we can do short of offing ourselves voluntarily as a public service.

the red chi-comes are investing in hi-tech condom factories, requires skilled labor and provides jobs. and a cheaper alternative than a lot of chemical tablets. lot's of sustainably based wood products beginning to flow into the economic system. birth rates at least among more civilized countries is slowing.

to really be helpful, all of our bodies when we eject from them, can be freeze dried, and placed on cargo ships to be carried to the impoverished parts of the ocean. they can be run through powerful wood chippers and returned to the sea including the mico-nutrients that are in low availablity. this will help the ocean flourish and rebuild the fishing stocks. fishing stocks might be a little low right now.

lot's we can do voluntarily. that's a better solution than strict regulation. regulation galls me, and makes me think i'm losing my rights. on the other hand, to allow party=poopers to pop out kids in abandon while depending upon the working tax-payers for gov't chits to buy food is hardly the answer. so maybe there's a happy medium. but, plenty of things we can do that's of a positive nature. regulation should be the last resort.