I know more about moose bellies than I ever cared to. (calling from sitting positions against trees or on logs). Those things will come right up to you!

Hunted a 50 foot long bowhead whale out of a skin umiak in an Arctic lead.
Bow man had a pointy stick- explosive loaded... Almost got it too. Lots of Eskimos have done it, not that many white folk.

Caught a 5.5 pound rainbow that had been leaping up onto dry land to catch passing voles, then she would flop a couple times down slope to regain the water. She had at least 5 in her stomach, gullet, with a tail hanging out the corner of her mouth. And she took my spoon. greedy!

Went eyeball (mine) to azzhole (its) with a skunk on one very black night. Range about 2 feet....We both escaped unscathed.

Spent an afternoon "wing-shooting" cottontails bailing out of buffalo-berry thickets from 4 -6 feet up after a chinook left the frozen prairie ground several inches deep in standing water.

Got woken in the dead of night - a very dark night- by an aggresive bull moose thrashing brush 15 feet from my sleeping bag. That will wake you up!

I've heard moose roar. Twice. Absolutely hair-raising! First time I didn't know what it was, but I spent the rest of the day hunting about 2 miles away. The second time I saw the cow do it. Both sexes will do it under stress, but it is rare.

Bashed a coyote (at least I hope it was a coyote) in the face high in the Colorado Rockies when it was snuffling the side of the tent, pressing inward.

Stalked a sleeping? cow moose with her head in a bush to within rifle-length butt-poking range. I decided against it.... and eased on out of there. Sleep well Princess!

First sheep hunt was a solo backpack hunt - 18 miles in to the mountain. Killed full curl and packed it out. Two 14 hour days coming out with a pack in excess of my own 150 pounds. I was younger then. Possibly a few inches taller too! smile. Haven't gotten any smarter, just older.

Joined a wandering/feeding pre-rut group of at least 4 bulls and 5-9 cow moose for an hour and a mile or so. Moose all around me, never a time there wasn't one or several within 30 yards, often within 10. They apparently forgot just who all had been invited to the orgy....

Wouldn't have missed any of it for the world!

The only true cost of having a dog is its death.