ftbt: I suffered professionally under the hideous rulings the 9th circus court came down with, for 29 years!
The procedures, policies, laws and rules of conduct that our large police department enforced and lived by were CONSTANTLTY being changed, re-interpreted, modified, abolished and whatever - again this was CONSTANTLY!
It got so bad that our department began issuing a quarterly multipage bulletin (usually 6 to 8 pages) to all officers of rulings/interpretations/changes regarding the 9th circus courts bizarre liberal rulings!
The the departments legal advisers (lawyers) would reissue (have reprinted!) numerous pages each year to our police procedures manuals - which every officer was mandated to maintain as current!
This got to be a quarterly joke - the 9th circus court would change laws and powers afforded to the police and months or years later the Untied States Supreme Court would over-rule (VERY often!) the ludicrous decisions made by the liberal activist judges there on the 9th circus court of appeals!
This went on continuously for the 29 years I served on that department.
I hear its still going on to this day?
The 9th circus court of appeals is the most over-turned court in our nations history!
The sooner these activist judges on the ninth circus court of appeals are replaced (impeached or what ever!) the better off the United States of America will be!
Hold into the wind