So it has been stated on the 'Fire.

How many rounds could they get off if we (SK & US) decide to do a preemptive strike?

I can not believe kim has developed his nuclear arsenal to the point that he can deliver artillery fired nukes. I know US Army Reservists whom were trained to fire tactical nukes from our 155s thirty years ago. I assume those shells are still in inventory. Though I would certainly hope their use be held as a matter of last resort.

With satalite imagery and our evesdropping capabilities, we muat know the exact location of every howitzer, rocket, or missile in N Korea.

Between every aircraft SK and the US could put in the air, every Tomohawk we could launch, and the artillery in S Korea, what is the chance we could eliminate the N Korean threat as efficiently as we did The Republican Guard?

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.