You are preaching to the choir fella.

The issue from post #1 was “legit” reasons for not joining the NRA. The synopsis is the definition of “legit” is subjective. Plenty of support for the 2nd Amendment here in the thread as concerning the NRA but how many are willing to pay an organization to lobby for the right of free speech, to breath, or go to Church.

Its hard to get through that lead helmet, I’m sure.

Originally Posted by Beaver10
Originally Posted by JohnnyLoco
I have enough combat scars to show you I ain’t a “freeloader”. Now when you throw the “troll” card its like a liberal saying racist.

This discussions reminds me of Bill Gates wanting taxes increased.

I say the NRA can lower the membership dues to increase the representation numbers and there is nothing to preclude good upstanding members from upping their donations.

Bill Gates can write a check for extra taxes any time but its not about that, folk like y’all are socialist at heart despite how you attempt to maske it with whatever the cause. You want everyone to pay the same and if they don’t they are somehow freeloaders or substandard.

You don’t have to give at church but maybe lead another to Christ, Some may be called to teach youngins about the Constitution instead of joining the NRA.

Bad Liberals...Bad!

JLow, maybe its even more simplified than you believe. We like our guns. We love our guns. We take care of our guns for one day our guns may be needed to take care of us. People with guns (Broward Deputies) who should protect, didn’t protect....This wasn’t a shocker to many of us who know the police aren’t legally bond to be where I am at my moment of danger. Nor are they bound to act to save me.

I, as a human being, am solely responsible for saving my life. Anti-gun individuals want you to think that the police will save you, that’s there job.....Now, the left is having a hard time chewing and swallowing their own words in the face of this tragedy.

Yes, I have stared at the barrel of a gun being held by a bad guy.....But, he was staring back at my S&W 357 on a busy street in Seattle....I won! Police, ambulances and firefighters showed to take this POS into custody.

I am Happy to own, love and protect my family and my firearms....Thanks for your service.