Perfect opportunity to teach Wyatt a lesson or three. Show him how to use a tool (a trowel, or a hand fork) and show him how the weeding needs to be done, and explain why. Make him understand that you can grow some things that are good to eat at home that are better, and cheaper. Make him understand that doing things the right way, even if tedious, is part of the process that results in success. Explain to him that doing work is a noble thing and what men do to be able to have things they want. Explain to him that him doing man chores will make him stronger and will make his grandpa proud. Finally, explain to him that as a reward for good work--as in, a section of totally grass and weed free bed-- you will buy him an ice cream of his choice. In a couple years you might add that his staying in and doing well in school will prevent him from having to do shyt jobs for low pay as he gets older. Win-win-win.