I work the counter at the local NAPA store. The Pro Select is not the same filter as the NAPA Gold. Different filter media. Having said that, I have run nothing but the Pro Select on a 1995 K 1500 with a 4.3 engine; It has 301,000 on it and still runs good and carries 50 psi of oil pressure when running down the road. Carries 20-25 psi when idling at a stop light. So I think it is a pretty good filter for the money. The Pro Select is about all the local garages use for oil changes unless it is diesel of any kind. Here's a heads up. The local stores all have a farm account that takes about 40 percent of the out the door price of oil filters. Our farm account is called Johnny Cash Farms. I don't know about the stores in other areas but is worth asking about. It also takes some money of the cost of batteries. Those fuggers are getting pricey now days. Ya didn't hear it from me.....Just Sayin.

Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.

Thomas Jefferson