Originally Posted by Crockettnj
Originally Posted by High_Noon
Originally Posted by Wannabebwana
My father got like that back in the 70’s with tube radios and TVs. Worst thing was he had no idea how to even begin to repair them. Thankfully, he stored 99% of it in the barn.

When we were cleaning up the property when they went to sell and I was chucking this crap into the pickup to take it to the dump. He was whining “Be careful. They’re antiques!!”

I said “BS, they’re garbage” and kept tossing.

Actually, a lot of those old tube radios are worth money, some are worth thousands. I hope u didn't toss any god ones.

Guys go nuts for the tubes alone. You could literally have a small fortune in vacuum tubes, let along output transformers. And thats just parting things out. You very likely tossed out some actual, real, serious coin there.

Hoarder defending a hoarder.