The recall notice claimed 350 faulty gaskets and it was unknown which motors had them. In a motor that was run from the late 1980's up until the tacoma was introduced with the 3.4 in 1995.

I took my truck in with 200,000 plus miles on it in 1997 and had the gaskets replaced. When I bought my 2007 tundra,from the same dealer. I jokingly gave him [bleep] abut the future faulty head gaskets in the tundra. The dealer then claimed that toyota sent out a dealer notice in 2005 stating that they had replaced nearly all of the 3.0 faulty gaskets and the final total was closer to 250 gaskets. So the fairy tale about replacing 250 of the proposed 350 faulty gaskets in one town is just pure bullsh!t.

Hell with 200k miles on a vehicle,it would be hard to tell wether you ever had a faulty gasket or not,considering the wear from a life time of use.Toyota still replaced it free of charge.