Originally Posted by huntsman22
Originally Posted by JGRaider
Originally Posted by SKane

1.5 y/o bucks r potential 1.5 y/o's. smirk

vast majority of hunters can't tell the difference between a 3 yr old and a 6 yr old.

Here's another old, old buck I helped a friend kill several days ago. He's at least 6.5, more likely 7.5

Could somebody explain to me, why guys feel the need to add a '.5' to the year of a deer? How do you know that it wasn't born a .3, .4, .6 or a .7? Are your kids aged as 11 and a half year olds? Do they get half-year birthday parties, too? I don't know anybody but deer hunters that do this stuff. Farmers, ranchers and any other normal folk, say their animals/kids are yearlings, two/three/four year olds without having to embellish an extra half year. But rock on, if it makes you feel superior......

I thought everyone knew that the vast, vast majority of deer are born in June. That would be the half year thing. It's not rocket science.

It is irrelevant what you think. What matters is the TRUTH.