IMO the top brands are very similar. It depends on which has the best price and service where you live. For me it was Leer. I have the basic cap on my 2007 Tacoma and my 2014 F150. I'm afraid to ask about current prices, but I paid $900 in 2007 for the one on my Tacoma. I paid $1500 for the one on my Ford in 2016.

A lot of guys like the soft toppers. I do not, but you may, and they are less expensive. Before I'd go with a soft topper I'd look at aluminum. You don't see them as much anymore but you can still get one. They look better than the soft toppers to me and are still easy enough to remove and put back on. Even possible with one person.

Most people don't really want the truth.

They just want constant reassurance that what they believe is the truth.