I killed my first deer in 1969 in 35B. Always had a soft spot for them. We called the Patagonia side the backsde, then you needed a 4-wheel drive and permission from the Rail X ranch to get to the Forest Service land. Now it looks like they sold the ranch and made ranchets out of it. I guess thats better than an open pit copper mine. South of Sonotia was the frontside gentler brushy country and you could drive an old station wagon on that road.Ha! Now days every one has a 4x4 pickup and some don't even mind gettihg it pin striped by mansanita. If your not used to sitting and glassing you will need a big bucket of patience. If the deer are not moving you might try hunting them like you would Mearns quail with no dog. I belive Jack O'connor hunted from the Siebold ranch before it became 35B in the 30s. But then he only had a 270 and no big eye glasses. He would have to get it rebarreled to 50 thumblicker or just use it to prop the door open. Sorry for the rant. Good luck

Greater love has no one than this,that he lay down his life for his friends.