Anyone remember the case Trump talked about? The one where Kate Steinle was killed by an illegal in San Francisco?

The suspect was found not guilty.

The pistol was stolen from a locked car and and was the gun issued to a Department of Interior Bureau of Land Management Agent. He could not bring it into some building on San Francisco and thus locked it in the car from where it was stolen. Several days later it allegedly went off by itself when the illegal in possession of it (he said he found it under a park bench) was "twirling" the pistol on his index finger when if fell and went off several times, striking Kate Steinle at least once and thus killing her.

So the State of California passed a law the next year making it a misdemeanor (and firing offense for anyone in law enforcement) to having a gun stolen from them by leaving the gun in locked vehicle unless it was in a locked case secured to a part of the vehicle.
So now it is a crime to be a victim. But tell that to Kate Steinle's father.

So I would not leave a firearm in a vehicle.

Me solum relinquatis

Molon Labe