The housing crisis is is only a symptom of the breakdown of our society, and this breakdown has been deliberate. We no longer have the productive entry-level jobs which used to exist. Those we do have, we are still trying to eliminate. We have stifled small business in favour of large corporations. We have taught three generations that success is measured by doing the least to get the most. We worship conspicuous consumption.
When we were first married (and after I got out of the Army), my wife and I rented an apartment which cost us one days pay per month. Later, we upgraded to a 2 bedroom unit (the second room was for reloading and gun work!) for 1 1/2 days pay. The next step was a house on seven acres for two full days pay. Mind you, today, the average welfare recipient would spit on that house. Anyway, the houses were available because people were building new houses and renting the old ones, or people were leaving the country and moving into town, or moving to another part of the country. Today, the population has more than doubled, and the old houses have been torn down. On top of that, they are being replaced with housing which is not affordable. Restrictions and regulations inhibit construction and discourage self reliance. That apartment we rented for a days pays would take at least a week worth of work to rent today. If you could even find one.
We do need to provide housing for the homeless, and that housing needs to be inside a fence where drugs are NOT supplied; where they can stay until they earn their way out. We need to quit glorifying slothfulness. We need to resume teaching that there is honour in hard work and accomplishment.
When I was young, I will admit to being less than thrilled about being drafted. After all, I had a job, I had a life, and I would just as soon have just gotten on with it. I have come to believe that every person should give two years of service to their country. In return, the country will give them two years of work to do, two years of education, and the rights of citizenship. There should be no exemptions for citizens, and it should be a requirement of all immigrants. I am willing to bet that most people would say, "I would never want to do that", or "I wouldn't want to give my time for this government", or they would have some other excuse as to why not. To which I would say, there you go. Everyone is willing to take; no one is willing to give. Rest easy though, kids; this will never happen!
We have made a real mess and the so-called housing crisis is just a small part of it. GD