Seems to have some length, body and neck.
I look for that, a big blocky muzzle, and thickness of the legs and ankles right down to the foot pads.
Like people some get short and fat, some long and lean. Optics can do odd things as well.
I don’t know your common types out there but here in MN I’d guess him to dress better than 300 but that’s purely a guess.

In northern MN we bait them so I always set a marker stick they’ll pass showing back height and one 6 feet away showing standing/walking length. A bear showing length of 6’ on all 4s or walking plus curvature over the back will be better than 6’6” nose to tail and over 300 dressed which is what we strive for in camp. Again, that’s MN bears. Tracks tell us a lot as well.


A woman's heart is the hardest rock the Almighty has put on this earth and I can find no sign on it.