...but I do have a funny story!!!
Right after my 18th birthday in 1968, I was the recipient of a free bus ride to Dallas to partake in a military sanctioned "Pre-induction" physical! 😃
We all stripped to our socks and skivvies. All our valuables in a small, olive drab sack on a string around our neck.
We were lined up, shoulder to shoulder, in a room.
An orderly came by with an open box of wooden tongue depressers and said, "Take one."
Then the order came to drop your drawers to your knees.
One goofball across the room, used his tongue depresser to lift his penis. Then a doctor (?) came by to do a "short arm" inspection. Goofball was ordered to, "Skin it back!".
The doctor took one look and said, "Boy, you better wash that thing before it falls off!"
The doctor looked at the tongue depresser holding up the fetid penis, snatched it out of the goofball's hand, said, "Open wide!" and shoved the depresser in the guys mouth to check his teeth!
The only thing that stopped peals of laughter was the stern looks of the military medical staff!