Originally Posted by jaguartx
Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter
I worked with a large Hispanic population for a long, long time. They are very generous with sharing their lunches. I have eaten many cabrito tacos. They are as good as anything, anywhere. Slow cooked whole over coals, then cubed and reheated in a light clear gravy, and wrapped in a fresh home made flour tortilla.......oh my!

Much, much better than lamb, none of the lanolin that all sheep stink of.

Old billy goats, on the other hand, and I have seen several butchered and cooked, smell and taste just like an old rutted buck with his neck swollen to the size of a basketball. Either one, you can smell cooking from a block down the street. It is not a pleasant smell. Only the most desperate would actually eat either.


Double quote/agree.

Have eaten goat from domestic breeds raised specifically for meat, to to feral goats in various places. Generally it tastes a lot to me like good deer, whether whitetail or mule deer, if from the same-age animal.

Of course it also depends on the skill of the cook, and the pre-meal meat care.

“Montana seems to me to be what a small boy would think Texas is like from hearing Texans.”
John Steinbeck