Let me throw in a few more data points on this topic.

I've got a spot on the back of the house, where I go and sit in the evening and watch deer. Imagine a 2-person lifeguard chair. I'll go out and have my evening cocktail and sit with the binos. This time of year, I usually get a floorshow starting around a half-hour before sunset. The east field has nearly 500 yards of observable pasture. The south field has less than 300 yards.

My normal attire these days are bib overalls and a white T-shirt and white tube socks. The deer know I frequent the spot. They look for me as soon as they come out in the field. I've learned that they key on the white shirt and socks. If any bit of that shirt is showing, the deer get hinky. Now that the evenings are cooler, I'm wearing a jacket, usually a brown barn coat. That coat has to be buttoned up so no white shows, and I can't move my feet around so my socks show. If I do, I'm setting off deer at the farthest extent of my viewing. If I'm well covered, the deer may come and graze within 50 yards of the house.

The other point I wanted to make is that the key to any camo is that the viewer has a hard time perceiving the wearer. When I'm wearing white socks and a white T-shirt, it's easy for the deer to form the gestalt of a human. Back when I bow hunted, I usually wore a camo poncho-- either the one I showed y'all in the previous post or something similar. When I was in it, sitting or standing, it was very hard for anything to resolve the shape into a human form. It isn't just that you need to have splotchy colors and shapes, you need to change the shape you present so the viewer can't pick it up. For hunting Kentucky during rifle season, I just switched to a hunter orange poncho. Believe it or not, the deer really didn't give a hoot about me. Orange blobs just don't register as humans.

So how do I manage in the Orange Clown Suit? Mostly I succeed through concealment. On my treestands, I've got camo plastic shower curtains secured to the shooting rails. On my tower blind, I have burlap camo backed with black opaque landscape fabric.

Genesis 9:2-4 Ministries Lighthearted Confessions of a Cervid Serial Killer