Bad deal about war is that it often hurts those on both sides the most who were the ones that wanted it the least. The really bad evil people pushing it often just end up richer. It makes me sick all the people dieing and displaced because of the evil ambitions of others. All the innocent Ukrainians slaughtered and all the young Russian troops who died that didn't want to be part of it.

There are some blood thirsty bad guys on all sides that get it too but they take so many good people down with them. If a lot of Palestinians celebrated Oct 7th and things are getting bad for them now it's hard to be too sympathetic. If they condemned Oct 7th and are now getting bombed that's a tragedy. I often wonder if their were many Palestinians that were sickened by what some of them did or if they most all support the terror. I just know it's hard to know what to think for sure because our media is so corrupt all we get is propaganda and things are always more complex than they seem.

Things are happening because greedy ambitions of evil people pulling strings. Its hard to know what's really going on and why. I just know that since Biden stole the office it seems like evil has ramped up around the word. Bad things happen in the dark and the Biden regime seems to be doing their best to keep the lights off. We haven't seen 1% of the damage team Biden has put on us yet. We will feel the negative effects for years if we survive that long.

My ICE agent friend said today he just had to release a group of 300 illegal border hoppers into the country. He said every one of them was either Chinese or Russian military aged males and they all looked like the could have just left boot camp. He's convinced our nation is doomed and that the are sleeper cells and sabatours all over tge place just waiting for their orders. He said our nation is finished and that if they started stopping all of it today it's too late. He said there is already way to many bad people in the country and that he believes its all been an orchestrated event to destroy our republic.

Then he said the only way any of us on the right get through this would be to divide up the country and let the left do it their way in their half and for our half to go back to law and order. He said the left and the right need a divorce because they've grown so far apart there's no way they can live together again. Last time we tried that things got ugly and it's hard to imagine a war on our soil but war just seems to be much more common than it was a few years ago.
