Originally Posted by chlinstructor
Originally Posted by Sprint11
Grew up playing 42 with grandparents, cousins, etc. Haven't played in probably 25 years, but many fond memories though I don't remember how to play it now.

Played all the time growing up. It’s been about 10 years though, since I’m the oldest left in my family.
None of the younger generations are interested in it.
It would actually require them to have to think. 🤪

My kinfolk used to get pissed at me for bidding “ nellow”, because I usually won it every time. 😂

Yeah, the old folks in my family don't play "nellow" or "sevens" in 42. I remember 42 tournaments at the family reunions, tables set up all over the place. I love playing, but doesn't seem like anyone under 50 knows how to play. Difference between the video game generation and cards, board games, domino generation I guess. Kind of sad. I remember as a kid sitting there watching the older men in the family playing and being enamored with the stories they would tell while playing. Lots of laughter. Fond memories.

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same." - Ronald Reagan