Originally Posted by auk1124
Originally Posted by AcesNeights
Originally Posted by Dutch
20 states have FREE community college. So, first two years of your degree are FREE. Don’t live in one of those states? Move and establish residency.

Move and establish residency in a new state? Move for a better quality of life or better educational opportunities? The do nothings that haven’t done sh.it on the campfire hate that. 😂 Those dipshits would, in their pithy semi-literate ways, go apeshit and demand that you stay and “fight”. They don’t know who you should fight or where that fight should begin but damnit they know what others should or shouldn’t do. 😂

It looks like a whole lot of those 20 "free tuition" (not really "free college") states have requirements like you had to graduate high school in that state. Some of them have residency standards beyond just moving there.

Even if a kid straight out of high school could somehow afford to move to a different state and get a job that would pay his room and board and for his books, he might still not qualify for free tuition under those programs.

Oh, JFC, have you ever listened to yourself whine?

So you pay for community college for the first two years (if the kids an under achiever without any AP college credits).

Average community college annual cost, this year, is $3,860.

“What about room and board, books, cars, the jacuzzi payments, insurance, country club memberships or yoga classes?”

Well, WHAT ABOUT THEM? Six guys get together and rent a house, $300 a piece. Drive a beater, don’t get any dam tickets. Don’t eat out, and buy your clothes at Goodwill. It’s not hard, people. Except maybe on the ego.

“Can’t work while taking 15 credits”.

WTF are Saturdays and Sundays for? I used to do 16 hrs a day on Saturday and Sunday in college, plus 8 hrs Friday night. That’s 40 hrs, in case you failed math class. During breaks I worked 16 hrs a day (two full time jobs), six days a week, only 8 on Sunday and Monday. Finished college in THREE years - never less than 18 credits, up to 21 (anything over 15 was free, lol, couldn’t turn that down).

If you don’t WANT to do what it takes to get through college on your own, fine, your problem, but if you say it can’t be done, you’re just making excuses.

Sic Semper Tyrannis