I was stuck in a bear jam once and finally decided to get out in my chair and follow the crowd. At the head of the jamb I was straining to see past the mob when suddenly the ranger yells, whoa wait folks, we have a man in a wheelchair, let him up front.
As they let me by I could see a bear sow with cub very close, under 100 ft and felt uneasy like they were offering me up for the decoy.
Next jam I stayed in the truck.
Also saw a man get gored by buffalo, got copter ride and lived.
A man in camp wandered off trail at hot springs, sinking in mud to knees and got 2nd deg burns.
Three people went past sign at canyon, one slipped off rock face and died.
I was amazed at how many vacations I saw ruined out of stupidity.
Summer is nice but water can still freeze at night with the high elevation.