Originally Posted by KillerBee
Originally Posted by ShadeTree
He's a high jumping bugger. Not that I could begin to ride him, but if you want to watch a bull that near impossible to ride and was very dangerous, go on youtube and pull up the Bodacious videos.

He was ridden some when he was younger, but as he got older he got way stronger and way smarter. He was so strong he'd jerk guys out over on the first or second jump if they could stay on that long, then take a stutter step and go straight up. If you were lucky you got jerked down over the side of him and even those guys were hurt just from the violence. Others were not so lucky and he'd come straight up into them when they were hanging out over. Tuff Hedeman had full reconstructive facial surgery from him, another guy with a full helmet on, he broke his eye sockets. They retired him at his peak because he was too dangerous.

I had to watch Tuff with Big B, here it is

Only Tuff could've walked out of there on his own. He was fortunate. Pretty much every bone from his nose up was smashed. If he would've gotten hit full on the second time it probably would've killed him because his head was already so comprimised.

One is alone in a land so vast, there is only the mountains, the wind, and the eyes of God.