Originally Posted by JamesJr
No fan of the Jews........but to deny that the Nazis had an extermination program to kill as many Jews as possible, is no different than denying that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Hitler declared that the Jews were to be rounded up and sent to camps where they would ultimately be killed, and they were.
You cannot be blamed for believing that. Our programming since early childhood has been very effective, and few will actually do the research to challenge it.
However, what Hitler did to the Jews pales in comparison with that the Commies and Stalin did in Russia.
Precisely. While the West fully adopted Soviet war propaganda vis a vis Germany (because it served their post-war purposes), the truth is that the Soviets were guilty of the very things they fabricated about the Germans. It's an old Bolshevik ploy that we see repeated even today in the West.