Originally Posted by dassa
Originally Posted by Tesoro
Originally Posted by RAM
Originally Posted by Tesoro
with the amount of crazies out there I dont see any problem with requiring dealers to ensure they lock up and protect their stock from smash and grabbers. whats the big deal? most already do. 1million liability insurance. if you cant afford that then you have no business being a dealer. times have changed and there are gangs of criminals roaming around.
Move to Great Brittan

you guys are too paranoid. they way i see it if gun dealers can lock up their [bleep] properly and not let it go out the back door or busted thru the front then we all have a better chance of being able to buy from them in the future.

I live in a small town in Oregon less than 6k people ( away from the lib bullshit) and our pawnshop sells guns to felons and psychos and our sporting good store has been busted for the same. these people are NOT doing it to say screw the feds but for GREED. who pays? I will when then all get shut down
Grow a brain
You think adding prohibitive costs to run a business is fine cause you're worried about smash and grab theft, but everyone else is paranoid?

As an aside, how many smash and grab robberies have taken place at gun stores in Washington in the last five years?

wait for the venezualans to set up shop.