Harken back to election night 2020 in Atlanta Georgia when Trump had a huge lead, then election observers were sent home because of a reported “pipe burst” (that NEVER happened) all the while Fulton County election workers stayed in the building several more hours and were caught on camera pulling out numerous bins of ballots from under tables

Simply put, this didn't happen. No observers were sent home, the burst pipe was a minor issue. Counting resumed in a few minutes.

The On-site supervisor instructed election workers to pack up, go home and come back the next day. If you watch the entire video, you can see them pull empty storage boxes from under the tables and placing uncounted votes in them before placing them back under the tables. The county supervisor called and told them to stay and continue voting.

The edited version of the video only shows the workers pulling the storage boxes back out and work continuing. There is no evidence that votes were counted multiple times. Even if they had tried it wouldn't work. In GA, as well as most states, there is the machine count, but there are also paper ballots.

In GA they counted the votes 3 times, paper and machine, once by hand with no machines involved. 150 of 159 GA counties got the exact same vote count every time. Same exact vote count with paper ballots with the machines and hand counted. If they had run ballots through machines multiple times the machine count and paper count would have been different. The other 9 counties combined had about 20 votes difference total between hand counted and machine counted ballots.

Trump lost GA by just under 12,000 votes. There were 20,000 voters in GA that voted for every Republican on the ballot except Trump. That is why Trump lost GA. If the D's were cheating Kemp and Marjorie Taylor Green would have lost too.

As far as changing the rules to allow easier voting. Most of the states in question were run by Republicans, how did the Democrats cheat when Republicans changed the rules. The rules were changed for everybody. Both D's and R's were playing on the same field, same rules. Trump made a tactical error by encouraging his supporters to only vote on election day and in person. Biden encouraged his supporters to vote early. That's not cheating. That's being outsmarted. Remember, Trump was president 2017-2020. He had 4 years to make sure the elections were fair. If he really thought the election was going to be rigged it was his job to secure the election. Even if the D's did cheat, (they didn't) it's on Trump for letting it happen.

Trump having a big lead early means nothing. The 100+ small rural counties in GA with around 10,000 or less votes each can quickly be counted. That is where Trumps support was. The larger areas, some with 1,000,000+ voters always take a lot longer to count. Those are the areas where Biden had the most support. Everyone knew that Trump would have a big lead early in the counting and as the larger areas got counted that Biden would close the gap and could possibly take the lead.

Most people don't really want the truth.

They just want constant reassurance that what they believe is the truth.