Originally Posted by Hastings
Originally Posted by Sharpsman
2nd Amendment is for legalized Americans with citizenship; not for AH that waded the river!!
2nd says "the people" not "the citizens'' of the United States. Let's work on putting pressure on the Mexican government to stop this business of allowing hordes of people from dozens of countries access our border. And instead of all this Ukraine crap and trying to break Russia we should go after whoever is financing the transport of all these desperately poor people through Mexico and to our border. That is who we should break financially.

There is no way Haitians are getting to El Paso without someone or some entity paying their way.

No need to get all upset about this little gun case when thousands are being brought to our border every day to overwhelm our ability to turn them back.

All of this.

And the gun case recognized 2A rights which is much preferred over the frequent claim that the 2A was meant for .gov to armed le and mil.