Originally Posted by Jim_Conrad
If the only thing driving you is production, there will be no profit.

To make the "required" production, you need to give all your profit to the parasites that feed off of farming.

They have lobbied congress and you have to do it their way....which is for you to keep giving them all your money...and next years money.

Tell the parasites to get a job and concentrate on profit.
Very well said! I know many, many small farmers that do not have their operation broke down enough to be able to put a cost/profit to some of the practices they do. Nor are they willing to do so to be able to try new things and see how that affects the bottom line. Then you have the guy I was working with that was putting in a center pivot on some pretty good, but a bit sandy soil. He knew from his other fields that the yield increase from the irrigation would have the pivot paid off in 6yrs and with an estimated 15+ yr livespan of the pivot new how much that investment should make him.