Originally Posted by battue
Originally Posted by gunchamp
Originally Posted by Mohall57
Why do you suppose JFK was assassinated, he intended to clean house at the CIA. If the Warren report is ever made public, the evidence will point directly to the CIA involvement . I read that Trump ordered Pompeo to do that very thing and Pompeo replied Mr. President we can not do that there would be a revolution of the people. How true I of course do not know, but is it not strange that 60 years after one of the most significant event of our nations history the record can’t be made public.
The CYA is the worlds biggest terror group. They are the cause of so much death and destruction. I pray that one day someone has the balls to gut them and every one of the bastards loses their jobs

How would you think if they thought Joe had to go?

However, the men that let you sleep safe in your bed at night work for the CIA. But hey, so what???? They only do the dirty work while you to beech safely.

The former head of the CIA is a registered communist. How is that saving America? Please explain