If Mr. Wigutow wants to talk directly with people, I suggest using the forum PM system (although I'm not particularly keen on a conversation with him). I'm sure his attorney(s) and his accountant(s) would appreciate any further statements about providing the financial data "he chooses" to D&B be made in a more private setting. As to Coleman not making sleeping bags, don't tell Wal-Mart , the world's largest retailer. And yes, I know the sub-$100 Coleman bags are all made offshore in some nondescript factory where they get the label. This is why I made the point earlier in this thread that popularity and sales do not indicate quality.

As for sales data on over-$100 bags, call me a skeptic but I would need to see data from an independent source. The boast of a company president and a dollar will get you a cup of coffee downtown. Personally, I find it pretty difficult to think of Wiggy's as the world leader when other brands have such a strong presence with major outdoor retailers. At the end of the day, it really doesn't matter to me. I can only sleep in a bag that is certified 100-percent drama free. smile Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.

Hunting success is 90 percent hunter, 10 percent weapon.