I conducted a very basic 'bullet performance test' this weekend. We had successfully hunted a deer so I used the head as a test medium for my 60gr Hornady SP hornet load. I the head on the ground and shot it sideways on. The bullet knocked the head over quite hard, causing it to roll down the slope. I could feel the entry hole in the scull but there was no exit and no shattering of bone. Definitely not a deer cartridge! (Although a headshot would most certainly do the job - I don't do headshots and I have a 303 for deer!) Still, the impact force was quite impressive.

The next test was simply shooting turkey with 50gr Hornady SP loads. Performance was as expected. Kills 'em dead! Damage was not too severe. A breast shot loses the breast meat altogether but a well place shot between the breast and legs does no meat damage at all. Effectiveness at longer ranges is dependant on bullet placement - I had one or two 'finishing shot' requirements.
