I hate judging pictures!!!!!!!!

By doing a quick glance, I would guess 335 to 345, closer to 335. I feel I am waaaaayyyyyyyyy off, but in any event doing a quick score that is what I would guess if I only had a quick second to guess.

The 4ths are nice and long, the 3rd's and 5th's to me are good, and the first two are good.
Can't see bases, but the mass looks good and like already stated, the widths is hard to say.

If this was the only look I had, I would bite the bullet, tell my client to shoot the dang thing as many times as he could. If I was wrong and he was way small, It would be on me. If I was right, then I would be the man.

Great bull from the side, so I would say a definite shooter. I wouldn't hesitate to kill that thang.


Enrique O. Ramirez

"..faith is being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you do not see.." Hebrews 11:1