I've pulled no punches as to how I felt about McCain during the primaries and really had no use for him in 2000 either.
My vote was for Fred Thompson and wished that he was still there for what's coming on the horizon.

With that said, I have an overwhelming reason to believe that McCain is simply a pawn that was put in place to guarantee the election for Obama.

I'm sure most of you guys have seen this video

Some, if not most are going to say that this is just not the case, but please explain to me how someone can screw up a campaign as well as McCain has done????

Why did McCain wait so long to "take the gloves off"? Why can't the idiot explain simple economics to the populace? Why does he mention Bill Ayers in the debate, but like he really didn't want to? Why doesn't he set the record straight about who is truly responsible for this failing economy? We all know he asked for regulations, as well as Bush, but its not coming out.

We've been had and he's dawned his blue coat, rather than the red he should have been wearing.

I'm sick and tired of somebody telling me that they're going to be Bi-partisan and "reach across the aisle".......What we need is someone to get those scumbags out of office and take their failed, socialistic policies with them. Reaching across the aisle is another term for submission and giving in to the communist agenda. McCain is great for that and he's dealing the final blow to democracy this time.

Anybody else think he's merely a plant?

Last edited by triggerguard1; 10/21/08.