I can verify part of that "silent recall" bidness mentioned in the link.

When the bolt stop broke on the 22-250 (perhaps around the early to mid 80s?), called Rem to see if they had any replacements. They had none. The offer was for me to ship them the "defective" M788 and in return, I'd get a coupon for X number of dollars off for a new M700. I declined the offer. Already had enough M700s.

Heaps of verity in that million bucks vs the nickel analogy. I got divorced on the cusp of the Women's Liberation movement and still have lots of great memories from that era, especially of the assorted nickels that I was lucky enough to encounter.

A buddy of mine that dawdled a bit before he got divorced, was initially annoyed at the prospect of a woman buying him a beer at the local tavern. Told him he'd get used to it, if'n he knew what was good for him.

If three or more people think you're a dimwit, chances are at least one of them is right.