Thanks guys for the kind words. 2 days in and things are going well. She is complaining that she won't sign the papers until she gets "closure" but there is no possible way to make her see how she has treated me. Her journal, which I have a copy of, tells the full story. I wouldn't say some of the things she said about me, to a dog.

I'm far enough away right now that I can still do what I need to do but not be hassled. In the coming months I have a plan for getting a little farther away.

Reconciliation or going back are a non-issue. There was no plan B for staying married, here.

I have a few cards up my sleeve if she decides not to play nice.

I'm feeling better than I ever have. I realize now that when I talked to dad about getting a divorce two years ago, I should have done it right then -- not stuck it out and been miserable for 2 more years.

Some things have already happened which make me think God is smiling on this decision.

I know it's going to get rougher before it gets better but I am in it to win it. The stakes here aren't just marriage -- but my life -- do I want to live it as someone else thinks I should, or do I want to be happy and have what I've always wanted, which is someone who cares about ME, and whom I care about, and who isn't just trying to get me to buy them the next expensive toy or work two jobs so she can quit hers to have a kid.

Fingers crossed. Into the breach I go.