Jim is a good friend of mine. I've hunted with him in New Mexico and Sonora, worked on a couple projects for 'Outdoor Life' with him, visted with him at his home in Tennessee, etc.

I'll just say that Jim is probably one of the the most knowlegable and accomplished riflemen in the world, an incredibly accomplished hunter, as well as a keen intellect, and a very great gentleman. He's hunted far animals in far mored places than he's ever written about in ODL, and he's also probably taken more game around the world with the .338 Win. Mag. alone than most experienced hunters have taken with ANYTHING.

I surely can't answer for Jim, but I suspect his feeling about he .338-06 is about the same as mine: There's nothing that the .338-06 will accomplish that the .338 Win. Mag. (or the bigger .33s for that matter) won't do better, especially with those heavy 250 gr. bullets that make the .338 Win. Mag. perform best on the type of animals it was originally designed to handle.


"The placing of the bullet is everything. The most powerful weapon made will not make up for lack of skill in marksmanship."

Colonel Townsend Whelen