During World War Two, silk was no longer available for such crucial applications as enhancing female underpinnings, and nylon was rare. Thus the wide use of a tan liquid swab-on product called "leg makeup." The gals even used a special pencil to draw straight "seams" up the backs of their legs. It was something of a treat for us young lads to watch some of 'em twist and squirm to do the job -- which of course took lots longer than pulling real hose on, fastening the tops to garters, and straightening the seams.

"Spray-on" doesn't strike me as much of an improvement over nylon -- but the "panty hose" part has definite possibilities. I get a chuckle by just imagining the shrieks and facial contortions when that icy spray cloud strikes the more sensitive areas that today's panty hose cover but 1940s hose didn't.

"Good enough" isn't.

Always take your responsibilities seriously but never yourself.