You like to present it that way.

But the choice wasn't between what TRH represents and Obama. It was between McCain, tired and confused and fading fast at the end, with a whacko choice of a running mate, running at the head of a party that didn't even WANT him... a party that HAD an 8-year run and [bleep] it up royally, with the wheels coming off the cart of the economy at the end of the 8-year run no less.

That, or an articulate, smart person who at least seemed up for the job. Who's doing essentially the things that McCain would have had to do anyway, since Cheney and his boy Bush screwed things up so bad...

And those were the two choices.

I am ready, willing, hell I'm EAGER to get behind a truly "conservative" party or candidate- conservative in the sense that TRH espouses. Bring it! Strip the bullshit Puritan religious stuff out of the platform, get back to fiscal conservatism and small government, and I'm THERE.

In the meantime, all a guy can do is choose the better of the two choices as they exist every 4 years.

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two