Originally Posted by nemesis
Originally Posted by Dudejcb
Originally Posted by pod
she is the only women i have seen with an adams apple???????????
that's funny!

BTW: does Olberman have books for sale, or it it just Ann, Glen Beck, O'Reilly, Hannity (and other Foxites) that work both mediums for profit?

Edit: I said both mediums and completely forgot about radio. Make that all the mediums...

Hey Dude,

Instead of jumping in here every once in awhile and "sniping" at other people's remarks, why don't you state YOUR position on the issue and then be prepared to defend it?

After all, that's usually how adults handle matters such as these.........
My postion is that Ann Coulter is a douche bag elitist who thinks her Shidt doesn't stink. Could same the same of you I suppose.

How's that?

Last edited by Dudejcb; 10/23/09.

the bottle was dusty but the liquor was clean...